Farm with more Freedom

If you’d like to know how a SenseHub® Dairy Monitoring System can be tailored to the needs of your dairy to improve your productivity and profitability, fill out the form below, and our representative will get back to you shortly.

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Allflex Australia Pty Ltd (“Allflex”) will collect, record and use information such as your name, surname, address, phone number, email address, post code, business, vet registration number, property identification code and other personal information (please note some of this information may be personal sensitive information) (“Personal Information”) by the way of this online customer information form for the purposes of making contact with you and sending you updates on our products and services, relevant industry related communications, market research and consumer promotions and offers in relation to products under our Allflex, Coopers and other brands. We may conduct data analytics on the personal information you provide, including to help us improve our services and customise information for you. We may disclose your personal information to our affiliated company, Intervet Australia Pty Ltd (trading as MSD Animal Health) (“MSD”), and MSD may use your personal information to assist us with these purposes. If you choose not to provide us with your Personal Information, we may not be able to fulfill these purposes. We will keep your personal information for only as long as is necessary to carry out the purposes described above (unless we are required or permitted by law to hold the information for a longer period). We may also disclose your personal information to organisations who assist us and our other affiliated companies (which may be located in other countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Singapore, South America, Poland, China or India). If you would like to know more about our privacy policy, including how to access and seek correction of the personal information that Allflex or MSD holds about you, how to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, and how we handle such complaints, please go to , or contact our Privacy Officer at Locked Bag 2234, North Ryde, NSW 1670, +61 2 8988 8000 or .
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Are you ready to have a better understanding of your cows so you can farm with more freedom? With a SenseHub® Dairy Monitoring System, you can closely monitor and manage heat, calving, health, rumination and much more, all at the click of a button or a flick of a finger.

SenseHub® provides

  • Unparalleled heat detection.
  • Alerts for at-risk cows.
  • Whole-herd nutrition and transition insights.
  • Zero upfront costs. One simple and affordable payment per cow per month.
SenseHub Dairy